UK reports to CBD

Article 26 of the Convention requires all Parties to submit reports on the measures they have taken to implement the provisions of the Convention, including the effectiveness of such measures.

The Conference of the Parties have decided that Parties must report every four years. The most recent UK report was submitted in 2019 and can be found here

A searchable database of national reports to the CBD, along with reports on thematic areas, can be found on the CBD website here

The UK also annually produces the UK Biodiversity Indicators. These provide a wealth of information on the state of biodiversity and pressures on biodiversity in the UK. These indicators enable the UK to track its progress on the conservation of national biodiversity, including progress towards international commitments such as the CBD. The indicators provide a useful assessment of the state of biodiversity in the UK between the CBD four-yearly national reports.

image of a person writing on a clipboard in the countryside
Person writing. Credits: blah

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