CBD implementation: England

image of the Yorkshire Dales landscapeNote: this page refers to activities specific to the implementation of the CBD in England. Information on activities relevant to the implementation of the CBD across the UK, including those of relevance to England, can be found here

Relevant Government Bodies

As there is no devolved government for England, responsibility for biodiversity conservation in England remains with the UK Government.  Within the UK Government, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is the lead government department for the implementation of the CBD in England.

The following UK Government Arms-Length Public Bodies contribute to the implementation of the CBD in England:

Relevant Government Policiesimage of a Chalk meadow with wildflowers

In 2011 DEFRA published ‘Biodiversity 2020: A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services’. It set the strategy for how England would achieve its commitments under the Aichi Targets and therefore represents England’s national biodiversity strategy.

In 2018 DEFRA published ‘A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Protect the Environment’. This plan sets out the UK Government’s long-term approach to protecting and enhancing the environment in England for the next generation. It covers  many aspects of environmental management, including biodiversity conservation.  This plan does not supercede Biodiversity 2020. Rather, it sets a wider strategic policy context within which Biodiversity 2020 will continue to be implemented and a post-2020 strategy for biodiversity conservation will be developed. It also outlines a limited number of specific biodiversity conservation actions to happen by 2020 which compliment Biodiversity 2020. 

In addition to Biodiversity 2020, DEFRA has also published an English soils strategy in 2011, an English pollinator strategy in 2014, and an 8-point plan for English National Parks in 2016. All of which contribute to the implementation of the CBD in England.

Reportingimage of Hedgehog

  • In 2014, DEFRA produced a report on the progress made towards achieving Biodiversity 2020. 

  • In 2018, DEFRA produced a set of indicators to further measure progress towards achieving Biodiversity 2020.

Photo credits: Yorkshire Dales CC License Robert Heath,  Chalk meadow ©NaturalEngland ChrisGomersall, Hedgehog ©Dreamstime